My book of pre-generated non-player characters (NPCs) for Old-School RPGs is not officially available in print yet. The timeline was severely set back by Wizards of the Coasts' OGL license debacle earlier this year.
The Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game project (for which this resource book will be published), fearing for its survival, undertook a massive effort to excise all OGL-licensed text from it's core rulebook. Then, it was decided that the book should add some new artwork for what would be released as the 4th Edition. And then the Project Lead decided it would be good to re-release four other previous books under the new license.
On June 20, these 5 titles finally made it to market on Amazon... but two days before then a bound copy of Chrysogon's Coterie was posted to the game's Facebook group.
Because I released it as open source, people are free to get my book printed themselves through services like Lulu. This copy, created by a fan, may be the first perfectbound copy ever made. Even I don't have a physical copy yet.
What you see above is an early test cover by the artist, Gabe Fua, and the content is from official release 18 (which was outdated at the time). Still... I was very pleased to see a fan go to the effort of getting the book in his hands while the rest of us may wait another 6 months.
As of this week, Chrysogon's Coterie has now been
restored to BFRPG's Project Priorities list and it will be released alongside a new megadungeon module Terror
in Tsosath, plus re-releases of JN1, JN2, SP1, and BF2.