I am one of a minority of Canadians that love CBC radio in the way that most others love hockey. It's always been that way. A different obsession, but the same fervour.
In a world where the CBC and NHL occupied the same tier, I'd wear the CBC jersey, frame the Peter Gzowski trading card, and would head-up an angry fan campaign to make As It Happens see reason should they commit the heresy of replacing "Curried Soul" and "Koff Drops" as their opening and closing themes.
I would play for that team, but I didn't have the confidence to try out as a younger man.
While still in high school, I worked three years as a part time radio announcer before dismissing it as too toxic. I liked the work, but not the risk. Some announcers were living out of a suitcase; others struggling with depression and alcoholism.
I didn't give broadcasting much thought again until 2015, when I combined my interests in social work and government into a podcast exploring the life challenges of public service. Many people shared their most personal experiences. It seemed to fill a deep need that I suspected I wasn't alone in having. But when it became successful I experienced a lot of guilt. It was hard for me to receive attention for podcasting these stories. It felt wrong to accept praise for helping people.
Here's a segment from an episode about depression. I only feel comfortable in sharing it because it's my own personal reflection from the series:
My hesitation aside, it began what is now nearly 10 years as a professional podcast producer.
Returning to that January 10th morning with Stu Mills... I actually felt a sense of loss. I loved waking up to the sound of Hallie Cotnam. I was even fortunate enough to be interviewed by her once. It was April 10, 2017 and I'd won an award for my podcasting work in mental health. And I wish I could give you a good hockey analogy as to why my deep admiration for Hallie takes nothing away from my respect for Robyn Bresnahan or Rebecca Zandbergen. It's just the way I feel. She connects with people in a way that elicits their very best, exerting strength and sensitivity with equal skill. She's one of the greatest broadcasters of all time.
I am moved to write this because I fear for the future of a CBC that's under threat of being defunded.
Today on The Current, Matt Galloway interviewed Marie-Philippe Bouchard, the CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada. I was moved by her affection for the institution, but less so when she dodged an earlier question about whether she would receive an executive bonus. I only hope that the part of her that choked up saying the words, "It's a big part of this country. It's a big part of my life. So, I want to give back." will forgo personal reward in order to save jobs and programming.
Even before the current misinformation landscape, CBC was my trusted companion.
As a Canadian, I don't know who I am without it.