Art by Hadrien Riel-Salvatore; photo by Chris Gonnerman.
With three books of my own written (one in print; two in the process), I'm now making a concerted effort to be a more collaborative member of the Basic Fantasy RPG project.
This year I'm contributing to 3 other projects (so far...):
Magical Item Compendium (MIC): This book was originally begun in 2016. But, as often happens with open-source projects, it stalled, then sat unfinished—long enough that I feared it might never reach completion. So, combining some new writing along with some unpublished work I had sitting on my hard drive, I added another 207 items to its roster. This, combined with more new submissions and artwork from the community, has tripled the book in length to just under 100 pages (letter sized) so far. It still needs a lot more art, but it will definitely be completed! This year, I hope.
Adventure Binge Working Group: Last year, project head Chris Gonnerman, ran a BFRPG "mini-con" (the Basic Fantasy Adventure Binge) at Fallcon 2024 in Quincy, Illinois. That required creating a completely new adventure that attendees could never have played before. It was an amazing success; so much so that Chris will be doing it again this year. But that requires another new adventure. He made a call-out for collaborators who would be unable to attend the 2025 event to help him craft something new. I jumped in with some ideas and he has kindly offered to share co-author credit. It's a nice feeling to be able to help another author your admire. Which brings me to...
The Unusual Predicament of Sophie De Murtas: Like the MIC above, this unfinished adventure was also begun in 2016. The creator is Stuart Marshall, another writer I greatly admire. He is most famous as the Editor-in-Chief and co-author (with Matt Finch) of OSRIC: the